Saturday, 19 May 2018

How to Secure Online Shopping with Kaspersky Total Security 2018

Kaspersky prompts the user to access the online payment systems site in a secured mode through Safe Money. Once you agree, you will see the page opened in a Protected Browser. The data is secured if the frame around the browser window is in green color. The system is not protected if the frame is in orange color. It implies either the antivirus’s feature has begun with error or the operating system has some critical vulnerability. It protects the user from information theft and from unauthorized screenshots. 

Secure Online Shopping with Kaspersky Total Security 2018

You can also get in touch with experts to learn how to use this antivirus’s feature by dialing Kaspersky Customer Support Australia Number 1800-870-079

How to use Safe Money

  1. Ensure that you have installed Kaspersky Protection plug-in and enabled it in the browser. 
  2. On the browser’s address bar, enter an online banking or payment system’s address. 
  3. Tap on ‘Continue in Safe Browser’. 
  4. If the feature of antivirus doesn’t prompt you to access the site in secured browser, then add the address to antivirus’s feature database. 

Process of adding a website in Safe Money Database

  1. Tap on ‘More Tools’ available in the main window of the Kaspersky Total Security 2018. 
  2. Tap on ‘Add website to Safe Money’ from the ‘Safe Money’ window. 
  3. Enter the website’s address in the ‘Website for Safe Money (URL)’. 
  4. Now choose an action which will be taken every time the address is requested.
  5. Tap on ‘Add’ button. You will see a new entry appearing on the left side of the window. 

How to activate or disable the feature

  1. a. Click on the gear button from the main window of Kaspersky.
  2. b. On the right side of the Settings window, you can activate or deactivate the antivirus’s feature by clicking on the switch. 
  3. c. For launching the component quickly, you can use the feature’s icon on the desktop. You can create its default during the installation of antivirus. 
In this way you can use antivirus’s feature for using safe payment modes. 

Call Kaspersky Support Australia for more details at toll-free 1800-870-079

You can connect with the expert’s team for any assistance with the above process. They will guide you with entire procedure in one call itself. Contact the team by dialing Kaspersky Helpline Number 1800-870-079 and they will resolve all your troubles quickly. We are here to help you 24/7.  

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